Vedic Science

Science in today’s world is the result of the patented experiments. Such experiments form part of today’s developed physical science. Vedas are yet to be explored and there are tremendous possibilities of experiments in it. The researches & study on Vedas is going on in different parts of world. The best example of widely accepted Vedic science is Ayurveda which originated from Atharveda.

It is already accepted fact that the experimental methods followed for physics and chemistry are different from those on living beings, they are complex and the results obtained for the experiments differ depending on the type of living being, his nature and shortcomings.

According to the principles of Vedic sciences it is possible that a developed soul of one person can enter into other person’s body; one can be present physically at many places at the same time. Similar realizations were practiced by Yogi Vyankatnath, spiritual Guru of Narendranath Maharaj. Such examples are depicted in Mahabharata, Ramayana and Purana. This part of science of Vedas is not believable and not easily acceptable.